Individual Therapy

This is traditional psychotherapy delivered in a one-on-one setting. What is discussed in therapy is confidential. Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their thoughts and feelings, develop coping skills, gain self-awareness, and work towards personal growth and mental well-being..

Family Therapy

Overall, the goal of family therapy is to promote positive change within the family system, enhance communication and understanding among family members, and ultimately improve the family's overall well-being and functioning. It can be especially helpful when dealing with issues that affect the family as a whole or when seeking to strengthen family relationships

Intervention Services for Addiction

What should we know about this service? An intervention is a meeting where family and friends have a calm and open conversation with their loved one about their substance use and ask them to accept treatment.Interventions are most successful when they are well-planned, compassionate, and supported by appropriate resources and professionals. Additionally, they should always prioritize the individual's safety and well-being.

The Results

“In the end, whatever you’re attempting to control will control you. The only way out is in, and the only way in is to surrender.”

— J. Mike Fields